Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Class was lovely today... It was teacher training and everyone did great!

I wasn't nearly as weak as I thought I would be. I'm assuming my muscle memory had time to do its thing.

It felt really good to get on my mat again.


Soooo laaaaaazy.

Have I ever taken a break!

It's almost September... I don't think I've been to class this month. I'm going tonight, though. Not even practicing at home. Well. Every now and then I'll do a (count: one) Sun Salutation, but I don't count that.

I can feel it in my body. I'll stretch a bit... What I really need is a class or a session at home. I don't know where the time has gone. I'll blame YouTube.

Once it cools off, I'll be able to open my windows and maybe get some sessions in the morning.

Let's hope tonight builds up my motivation.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Finished the challenge, and where did the time go?

I finished the challenge, guys!

I feel like every season there should be a challenge. It would definitely get my motivation up to go to yoga.

Honestly, I finished the challenge on the 31st, then the next thing I knew it was the 6th of August. Like where did the time go?

Gotta get on my mat more...

No pics today. Updating from a tablet.
